




1. 安理會應負起責任,採取堅強有效的行動,處理日趨惡化之迦薩地區的人權危機。任何國家不得從中阻撓。
2. 協助確保交戰各方尊重國際人權法與人道法,包括追究違法者所應負的責任。
3. 要求以色列和哈瑪斯在達成持久穩定的停火前,先達成一立即有效的「人道休戰」(humanitarian truce),以使人道援助可以送達受困的迦薩平民;受傷者可以被撤離;希望離開衝突地區的平民可以移住安全的地區。
4. 要求人道工作者、人權工作者以及媒體工作者可以進入迦薩,不受阻撓。
5. 要求派遣國際監測人員,其功能必須包括查證交戰各方是否遵守國際法。

我們相信,做為政治家,您也會認為以上五點都是必要而公平的措施。在此一架構下,以色列顯然有許多可以協助其達成的空間;我們也誠摯敦請貴國政府盡力而為。試舉一例。做為關心人權監測與人權保障的公民社會組織,我們為一則消息深感不安。根據國際特赦組織一月七日的新聞稿(索引號碼:NWS11/004/ 2009),正如貴國經常控訴哈瑪斯以平民為人肉盾牌,貴國軍隊也有同樣作為。您也許會認為此一報導不公。果若如此,何不盡力協助促成上述第四點措施,使人道、人權與媒體工作者皆能自由出入迦薩。據我們所知,國際特赦組織已有兩個研究調查隊伍待命,只要獲得許可,可以隨時進駐迦薩。一旦貴國許可,AI是否誤報,即可釐清,還貴國清白。


An Open Letter to the President of Israel
H. E. Shimon Peres
President, the State of Israel

8 January 2009

Your Excellency,

“The bloodshed in Gaza is escalating – the death toll stands at over 600 and rising, almost half of them civilians and over 100 children dead, as Israel tanks, airplanes and artillery bombard thickly populated areas, hitting even some UN schools. Thousands more have been injured and 1.5 million terrified civilians have no escape from this prison-like enclave – the borders have been sealed from air, land and sea. Hamas continues to fight and fire rockets deep into Israel: 11 were killed.”

As we, a coalition of Taiwan’s civil society organizations, read and watch news like this, we shudder at the deepening and widening humanitarian disaster in Gaza. Although Taiwan is known for been crowded, every 360-sqaure-kilomiter unit of its land area holds merely 230,000 people – in comparison with Gaza’s 1.5 million. We cannot but feel the horror of the effects of so much bombardment and ground fire on the Gaza civilians who have already suffered gravely from your government’s blockade of even humanitarian aid and supplies. This does not mean, of course, that our feeling of moral horror does not extend to the lost lives of Israeli civilians. On the contrary, it is for the sake of preventing more lives from being lost and for the possible beginning of a more durable peace that we are writing to you.

We are in agreement with Amnesty International’s call on the UN Security Council:
1. to live up to its responsibility to take strong and decisive action to address the spiraling human rights crises in Gaza. No country should try to prevent the Council from doing so.
2. to help ensure respect for international human rights and humanitarian law by any party involved in hostilities, including the need to ensure accountability for abuses.
3. in the continuing absence of a durable ceasefire, to demand that Israel and Hamas both observe an immediate humanitarian truce to allow humanitarian assistance to the beleaguered civilian population in Gaza, evacuation of the wounded and safe refuge for civilians wishing to flee the conflict zone.
4. to call for unfettered access to humanitarian and human rights workers as well as journalists.
5. to call for the deployment of international monitors whose functions must include verifying compliance with international law.

We believe that, as a statesman, you would also find these measures fair and necessary. In this context, there is obviously a great deal that your government can do to help ensure their realization, and we sincerely ask your government to do so. To take an example, as civil society organizations concerned with human rights monitoring and protection, and their importance for genuine peace-building, we were very disturbed to read in a 7 January AI press release (Index Number: NWS11/004/2009) that the Israeli forces were found to use Gaza civilians as human shields as Israeli has frequently accused Hamas of doing. You might feel you are unfairly portrayed. If so, it would make perfect sense to make sure that the 4th measure above is carried out. We understand that AI has two research teams ready to enter Gaza from Israel and Egypt, respectively. There is surely no better way of clearing Israel’s name.

Thank you very much for allowing us to share our thoughts with you.


國際特赦組織台灣總會 AI Taiwan
台灣人權促進會 Taiwan Association for Human Rights
台灣促進和平基金會 Peacetime Foundation of Taiwan
台灣和平草根聯盟 Taiwan Grassroots Alliance for Peace
台灣綠黨 Green Party Taiwan
台灣廢除死刑推動聯盟 Taiwan Alliance to End the Death Penalty
佛教弘誓學院 Buddhist Hongshi College
浮現藝文展演空間 Emerge Live House
獨立效應團隊 Separate Effect
主音樂團 The Tonic
迦鎷文化藝術團隊 Gamaa Music
東海和平咖啡館 Peace Coffee
中央大學性/別研究室 Center for the Study of Sexualities
嶺東大學流行音樂社 Rock Music Club, Ling Tung University
西藏青年議會台灣分會Regional Tibetan Youth Congress Taiwan
嗷網路雜誌 Au Magazine
靜宜大學熱門音樂社 Rock Music Club, Providence University
陳文成基金會「台灣不會忘記」小組 “Taiwan Remembers It” Group of Dr. Chen Wen-chen Memorial Foundation
人本教育基金會 Humanistic Education Foundation
民間司法改革基金會 Judicial Reform Foundation
社團法人社區大學全國促進會 The National Association for the Promotion of Community Universities
青年勞動九五聯盟 Taiwan Youth Labor Union
東吳大學張佛泉人權研究中心 Chang Fo-chuan Center for the Study of Human Rights, Soochow University
關懷生命協會 Life Conservationist Association
綠色陣線協會 Green Formosa Front
鄭南榕基金會 Deng Liberty Fundation
(1月7日起,持續連署中…)(Indorsing organizations since 7 January…)


