November 03, 2008 3:24 PM
ABC News' Huma Khan Reports: A new image of the presidential candidates is circulating in New York City.
And what’s different about this one? Their races are switched.

The poster, created by New York-based ad agency Grey Group, was motivated by the discussion about race in the elections.
“It makes a powerful message that race should not be the issue,” said Chris Brunt, associate creative director at the agency. “The idea of switching the races seems very strongly to personify that… in a way, it’s sort of obvious. It obviously says the sort of bold truth that color does not matter."
The images of Sen. Barack Obama and Sen. John McCain are accompanied by the slogan, "Let the Issues Be the Issue," to emphasize that other issues are more important than race.
The posters will be published in a small Pennsylvania newspaper and circulated all over New York City today, right in time for the elections.